Hi everyone, Assalamualaikum. How are you guys ? I hope you are in a good health, condition and in a peaceful heart. InsyaAllah. 

So, actually this week we don't have class because madam was unwell, because of her baby. Syafakillah madam, I hope madam will be fine, may Allah make everything ease. Amin Yarabb. So today I want to share some Dua that my fellow muslims reader and friends can read when they unwell.

اللَّهُمَّ رَبَّ النَّاسِ أَذْهِبِ الْبَاسَ، اشْفِهِ وَأَنْتَ الشَّافِي، لاَ شِفَاءَ إِلاَّ شِفَاؤُكَ، شِفَاءً لاَ يُغَادِرُ سَقَمًا

Meaning: "O Allah, lord of all mankind, remove this disease and grant healing, indeed You are the Healer, there is no healing except through healing from You, (give) healing that does not leave (other) diseases." 

Did you know that Dua was so important for muslims ?

Dua: A Direct Connection with Allah

Acknowledgment of Dependence:  Dua is an act of worship that reinforces a Muslim's belief in Allah as the sole provider, controller, and the One capable of answering calls for help. It affirms a fundamental truth—that humans are dependent on Allah for everything.  

Expression of Humility and Submission: The act of supplication demonstrates a person's humility and their reliance on Allah. 

Spiritual Connection and Intimacy: Making dua allows Muslims to communicate directly with Allah, strengthening their bond and spiritual well-being. It's a personal conversation where one can pour out their hearts, worries, and aspirations.

The Power of Dua

 Changing Destiny: Muslims believe dua holds the power to alter fate and avert calamities. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Nothing can change the Divine decree except dua".

Source of Hope and Solace: In times of hardship or despair, dua provides comfort and hope. It reminds Muslims that Allah is always near, listening, and ready to help.

Spiritual Elevation and Reward: Even if a specific dua isn't immediately answered, the act itself is considered worship and brings rewards and blessings.  Muslims believe that Allah will respond to their supplications in one of three ways: by granting the wish, by postponing it for the hereafter, or by preventing something harmful.

"Whoever wants his prayers to be answered in sad and difficult times, should pray more in free time." (HR Tirmizi)
