Assalamualaikum and hi everyone! I hope you having a wonderful day 👯

   This is my update for my week 5. Happy reading 🙆


We started our class on 8:30am as usually. Madam ask us to arranged our table and chairs in the middle of the class so that madam can easier to disscuss with us, Because before this we sat far apart and I think hard for madam to speak loud. So this is us who sat together for the first time😜

Madam gave us this three books and ask everyone to look and read this book before we started our class today. I never seen this book before, I am so curios what is that book ? what's inside that book ? Since we sat together, one book we gave behind, one book in the middle and one book infront. So that everyone can read and look together. We got the yellow one, the title is early childhood environment rating scale. Based on my understanding about this book, The Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale (ECERS-3) is a widely used tools for assessing the quality of early childhood programs for children ages 2.5 to 5 years old. This book was develop by Thelma Harms, Ricard Clifford and Debby Cryer. The ECERS-3 measures the quality of seven key areas :

1) Space and Furnishings. This area asessess the adequacy, arrangement, and safety of the indoor and also outdoor spaces to children.
2) Basic Routines: This area assesses how routines are used to provide a predictable and supportive environment for children.
3) Interactions: This area assesses the quality of interactions between adults and children, including the sensitivity, responsiveness, and warmth of these interactions.
4) Language and Literacy: This area assesses the opportunities and encouragement provided for children to develop language and literacy skills.
5) Learning Activities: This area assesses the variety, quality, and appropriateness of learning activities provided for children.
6) Program Management: This area assesses the program's policies and procedures, as well as the qualifications and training of the staff.
7)Health and Safety: This area assesses the program's health and safety practices, including the cleanliness of the environment, supervision of children, and emergency procedures.

After discuss and give the introduction about the books,  madam also told us about the asessment for children and the example about the checklist for preschool teacher that we must tick everyday. Elavia and Athirah also share their experience during their internship time, that they used to do like that. And Elavia also shared to us that she felt so hard to remember babies bottle, bags, and the children things. hehe I hope I'm fine later 😖

We continue our class by doing Stanford-Binet Iq test. Why we are doing this ? hahaha this is because our topic today is about the test and the most famous one for gifted children test is Stanford-Binet Iq test. So we wanted to try and curios how is the test look like. HAHAHA. I'm in big trouble guys. I'm stuck in this question. QUESTION 1. I don't know, I don't have any ideas. But I guess this things are mirroring from the up. MAYBE. Continue to Question 2 until question 8, I felt like huh why i am agree with my other friends to do this test! 😖 SO HARD. But thanks to Allah I succeed to answer all question even though I know I will get 1 or 2 marks only. I was so happy because one of my friend said that we can't see our result because we must paid. hahaha so madam and my friend cannot see what my answer and my result. HAHAHA. Thats all for todayy. BUBYEEEE !🙈😘
