HI ! Assalamualaikum and happy holiday everyone. I know I'm late for updating my week 6, because of I'm enjoying my Chinese new year hehehe so sorry madam and my beloved friends. So this is my update for my week 6. 

So we started our morning class at 8:30am as usually. Madam share her screen for us to look at our friends blogs, Debby ! because her blog was so nice and got many information there. Madam said if we forgot to write our blog we can see and gain some ideas from Debby blog ! Debby's blog was so nice and we as a reader can gain so much information regarding our subject. And Debby also did her blog ONTIME. hehehe https://dblxera.blogspot.com/ here Debby's link guys. Go and learn something from there. 

We continue to discuss about our second assignment that related to our observation on week 3 that we have to observe a toy that we chose. Madam told us how to do this assignment and after 15 minutes madam wanted us to come out  with some idea that we had done so that madam can tell us if that correct or not. 

After 15-20minutes madam came and told that our assignment was to formal later she get boring when she read it. Madam gave us an example how to do and what should we input in our WORDS. She explain everything and we do it again and do a correction for the others. 

I suddenly remember this sentences " Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right" Sometimes we always think that our action is more better than other, but the fact what you did was wrong. No matter who we are we always did some mistake. we are human right ? but the best human in this world is who try to fix the mistake and want to admit the fault. 

  • Admitting your faults doesn't make you weak or inferior. It takes courage and strength to acknowledge your shortcomings and work towards improvement.

  • The focus should be on learning and growth, not self-punishment. Use your mistakes as stepping stones for personal development.

  • When admitting your faults to others, do so sincerely and offer amends if necessary. Be open to their feedback and use it to build stronger relationships.

