Hi everyone, Assalamualaikum. I hope this Ramadan brings you peace,joy and blessing beyond measure. InsyaAllah 💕

So this is my update for 1st Ramadan and  first online class. Happy reading guys. 

So we started our class on 8:40am because of Madam waited for the rest to join LMS. We started our class by learning authentic assessment. 

Authentic assessment in early childhood education is all about getting a real-world picture of a child's skills, knowledge, and development. Unlike traditional tests with pen and paper, it focuses on observing and documenting how a child performs during everyday activities and routines. Below are the characteristic of authentic.

We also continue our lesson by learning about the authentic assessment guidelines.  

Here are some of the key features of authentic assessment in ECE:
  • Observation-based: Teachers watch how children interact with materials, solve problems, 
    and engage with others during playtime, block building, or storytelling.

  • Focus on process: The emphasis isn't on getting the "right" answer, but on how a child approaches tasks, what strategies they use, and how they learn from their experiences.

  • Holistic: Authentic assessment considers the whole child - their social skills, emotional development, cognitive abilities, and creativity.

  • Involves families: Teachers often gather information from parents and caregivers about a child's activities and routines at home to get a complete picture.

  • Informs teaching: By understanding a child's strengths and weaknesses, educators can tailor their teaching methods to better support their learning.


  • Anecdotal notes: Teachers write down observations about a child's behavior during playtime or while working on a project.
  • Portfolios: These collections showcase a child's work over time, including drawings, writing samples, photos of their creations, and teacher observations.
  • Running records: Teachers document a child's thought process and strategies as they engage in a learning activity.

Authentic assessment is crucial in early childhood education (ECE) for several reasons:

  • Deeper understanding of the child: Unlike standardized tests, authentic assessment looks beyond rote memorization and reveals a child's true strengths, weaknesses, and learning styles. By observing how they interact with materials, solve problems, and engage with others, educators gain a more holistic picture of their development.

  • Focus on learning process: Authentic assessment emphasizes the "how" over the "what." It allows educators to see a child's thought process, strategies, and approaches to tasks. This valuable information helps teachers tailor their instruction to better support individual learning journeys.

  • Informs individualized learning: With a clearer picture of each child's needs and strengths, educators can create a more personalized learning environment. They can adjust activities, provide targeted support, and challenge children appropriately.

  • Promotes a love of learning: Traditional assessments can create performance anxiety and pressure. Authentic assessment, on the other hand, is embedded in everyday activities, making learning a more natural and enjoyable experience.

