Assalamualaikum and hi ! So today i'll update my week 9 story. Happy reading everyone 😉

Today we start our class at 8:30 am as usually. But our class was so hot and make us uncomfortable so we move to simulation room and madam explain about what we will do today. SO YA QUIZ TIME hehehe because today already week 9 so ya midterm quiz. NOT SO SUPRISE GUYS because madam already inform to us that we will have a quiz hahahaha. 

So this is a screen shot of our midterm quiz. There are 11 question that madam prepared for us. She said it just a simple question huhu. She gave us 40 minutes to do it . And after a few minutes we started our quiz miss Suria came and she said that she have a class in simulation room. Madam ask for help to look at level 2 if there had some room that we cant use. So we use room 2.18 and continue our discussion regarding the quiz. After that madam gave us Donut hehe. Thank you madam, may Allah make everything easy insyaAllah. 
 This is a picture that i took. look at the donut sooo colourful. Oh ya guys this is my first time ate dunkin donut because at my hometown Tawau,sabah we only got Big Apple. hehe thanks madam.

So thats all for my week 9 update guys, next week madam will gave our marks for quiz and also for the assignment. Wish me luck 💃
