Hi guys, Assalamualaikum. So we continue for our revision. Today we don’t have any class because madam already gave birth last Tuesday . Alhamdulillah. So Miss Ruth will replace Madam Dini Position for the following week. Since today don’t have any class so I want to learn about topic 8, Observation of special population. 

In this topic we learn about speacial needs. Do you know what is special needs ?

Special needs is defined as an individual with a mental, emotional and physical disability. They might need help in communication, movement, self care and decision making.

Types of special needs children:

1. Physical (muscular, multiple sclerosis, chronic and epilepsy.

2. Development (Down syndrome, autism, dyslexia)

3. Behavioral/emotional (ADD, Bipolar, oppositional)

4. Sensory impaired (Blind, Visually impaired, deaf)

There are a lot of assessments that we can do with special needs children :

- Norm-referenced

- Criterion-referenced/ curriculum based

- Adaptive to handicap

- Process oriented 

- Ecologically based evaluation

There also got testing and assessment for Special Education :

1. Intelligence test 

2. Standardized test achievements

3. Individualized achievement tests

4. Test of functional behavior

5. Curriculum based assessment

In early childhood, Symptoms of learning disabilities may first appear as developmental delays in some children. It is important to remember that many children with developmental delays may catch up with early intervention in special education programs and will not develop disabilities later in their school years. 
